Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Our Vision and Values


'Learning and growing together

to be the best we can be.'

Be strong and Courageous, for the Lord your God

will be with you wherever you go

Joshua 1:9


         At Woodthorpe Church of England School, we will:

Inspire our pupils to believe in themselves and believe in their abilities and qualities

Listen to our pupils, respecting and valuing their voice and opinions

Have high standards of good manners, honesty and politeness

Nurture empathy and sympathy in our pupils, promoting acceptance and understanding

Educate our children in the various forms of discrimination, harassment and victimisation (Part of the 9 'Protected Characteristics')

Provide fun, interactive learning opportunities to encourage a desire to learn and be the best they can be

Motivate our pupils to be independent, successful and above all, be proud of their achievements

Laugh and smile, support and praise, even when faced with challenge

Encourage our pupils to believe in themselves - to be passionate and courageous in pursuit of their dreams

Teach our pupils to aim for success, aim high and never give up

Encourage pupils to work together, be caring and considerate and join together as a united family

Inspire confident learners with a willingness to improve, develop and grow

Be dedicated in our pursuit to motivate, inspire, instil and strengthen our pupil's belief to achieve