Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Welcome to Class 1

Mrs Walsh and Miss Lonergan

In our class we have Reception and Year 1 Children. Our learning journey is as exciting and memorable as possible, following the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One Curriculum.  Each day, we do Phonics (following Read, Write Inc), Mathematics and English and in the afternoons, we teach all other subjects- usually 2 in an afternoon. Our Year 1 children work closely with the Year 1 children in Class 2 and follow the same Key Stage One Curriculum as them. We have such a fun, busy school day and put the children at the heart of our learning, with plenty of opportunities for learning through play.

We will share daily and weekly updates of learning, through photos, video and other captured moments on Class Dojo. You can also contact us via this app. Photos are also accessible on our dedicated EYFS page of the website. 

Please see the different curriculums below for EYFS and Year 1.


In the Early Years (EYFS) at Woodthorpe, we plan our curriculum based around the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. This describes the seven areas of learning and development which “must be implemented through planned, purposeful play.” The framework describes three characteristics of effective teaching and learning;

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Thinking Critically

These principles provide the bedrock to our curriculum planning. The Early Years Foundation framework is split into two key areas of learning: the prime areas and the specific areas.

EYFS-  https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/988004/Development_Matters.pdf 

Year 1-  Please click on the link below to access Programmes of Study by Subject for the Key Stage 1 curriculum.  In class 1, the Year 1's will follow the Year 1 curriculum as well as accessing continuous provision to enhance learning. 

National curriculum - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Our EYFS Topics and learning for the year-

More information about these topics can be found on the Early Years Foundation Stage page

Let's Explore

Autumn Term 1

Let's Explore

Marvellous Machines

Autumn Term 2

Marvellous Machines

Long Ago

Spring Term 1

Long Ago

Ready Steady Grow

Spring Term 2

Ready, Steady, Grow

Animal Safari

Summer Term 1

Animal Safari

On the Beach

Summer Term 2

On the Beach

Our Year 1 Topics and learning for the year- 


Autumn Term – Childhood History

Bright Lights, Big City

Spring Term – Bright Lights, Big City


School Days

Summer Term – School Days


Autumn 2023 Term

Please follow the links to the knowledge organisers for our subjects during this topic below:

Spring 2024 Term

Please follow the links to the knowledge organisers for our subjects during this topic below:


Summer 2024 Term

Please follow the links to the knowledge organisers for our subjects during this topic below:

Useful Documents and links for EYFS and Y1

(please always check the website before a child uses it)

Throughout KS1 children will be exposed to a wide variety of fiction/non-fiction books, poems and rhymes. Have a look at some of the books/stories and poems we listen to and learn all about on our Core Book List.

By the end of Year 2, the children will need to know all of the Year 1 and 2 Statutory Spellings. You can support them with spelling and phonics using the following websites:

Other useful websites that could be useful to learn at home with your child could include:


While every attempt has been made to ensure the suggested websites are child-friendly and safe, please tell a member of staff if you have any e-safety concerns regarding these suggestions.