Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Welcome to Class 2

Miss May and Miss Hewitt

In our class we have Year 1 and 2. Our learning journey is  as exciting and memorable as possible, following the Key Stage One Curriculum.  Each day, we do Phonics (following Read, Write Inc), Mathematics (following PowerMaths) and English, and two afternoon subjects. We really look forward to having Chesterfield Football Club teach us once a week too! We have such a fun, busy school day and put the children at the heart of our learning, with plenty of opportunities for learning through play. Each term, our work is formed around an exciting new  topic. See details of these outlined below:

Amazing things we are learning about!

Autumn Term – Movers and Shakers

Our topic driver in Key Stage 1 for Autumn Term was called Movers and Shakers, which is a history based topic. This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance. We will study many famous people, including Rosa Parks, David Attenborough, Florence Nightingale, Greta Thunberg, Neil Armstrong and many more.

For our Autumn Science lessons will have two projects, 'Human Survival' and 'Habitats'. In Human Survival, the children will learn about the basic needs of humans for survival, including the importance of exercise, nutrition and good hygiene. They will learn how human offspring grow and change over time into adulthood. During the project 'Habitats', the children will learn about habitats and what a habitat needs to provide. They will explore local habitats to identify and name living things and begin to understand how they depend on one another for food and shelter.

In Design Technology, we will be completing the project 'Remarkable Recipes' where the children will learn about sources of food and tools used for food preparation. They will also discover why some foods are cooked and learn how to read a simple recipe. The children will choose and make a new school meal that fulfills a specific design criteria.

In Art, we will study the colour wheel, colour theory and how to mix primary and secondary colours. Following this, we will complete a project called ‘Still life’. This project teaches children about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still lifes and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and artwork. Excitingly, we will study Paul Cezanne as our artist of the year.

In Geography, our project this term will be 'Let's Explore the World'. This project will be all about atlases, maps and cardinal compass points. They will learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. Children will carry out fieldwork, collecting primary data in their locality to answer geographical questions.

If you would like to read more about our topics, please follow the links to the knowledge organisers for our subjects below:

Spring Term - Coastline

Our main topic driver for Spring Term is ‘Coastline'.

Summer Term – Magnificent Monarchs

In Summer, our subject driver is History and we will be learning about the topic ‘Magnificent Monarchs'.

In RSE, we will be learning about Safety and the Changing Body where the children will be taught the scientific names for their body parts. We will learn about safe and unsafe adults and what types of physical contact are unacceptable. This is a really important unit and if you have any queries about the learning in it at all, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will also do some transitional work ready for the next year.

If you would like to read more about our topics, please follow the links to the knowledge organisers for our subjects below:


In our classroom we are so lucky, as we have two teachers - Miss May and Miss Hewitt. Miss Hewitt predominantly teaches Year 1 and Miss May predominately teaches Year 2, and they stream in the afternoons between the year groups.

Miss May                         Miss Hewitt

Useful links for Key Stage One

Useful Documents and links
(please always check the website before a child uses it)

Throughout KS1 children will be exposed to a wide variety of fiction/non-fiction books, poems and rhymes. Have a look at some of the books/stories and poems we listen to and learn all about on our Core Book List.

By the end of Year 2, the children will need to know all of the Year 1 and 2 Statutory Spellings. You can support them with spelling and phonics using the following websites:

Other useful websites that could be useful to learn at home with your child could include:


While every attempt has been made to ensure the suggested websites are child-friendly and safe, please tell a member of staff if you have any e-safety concerns regarding these suggestions.