Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Summer Two– Groundbreaking Greeks

Your child will finish their learning about the Greeks and also learn about some other exciting topics, including:



Your child will look at how building design has changed over time and also get the chance to design and make their own buildings.



Properties and Changes of Materials

In the Properties and Changes of Materials project, your child will learn about the properties of materials. They will plan and carry out tests to determine the properties of a range of materials. They will use their results to suggest suitable materials for different purposes. They will also learn about the property of solubility and test various materials to discover which are soluble and insoluble. They will learn the difference between reversible and irreversible changes and follow instructions to observe the signs of an irreversible change firsthand. They will complete their learning by finding out about materials scientists and their innovative materials.