Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be



Geography at Woodthorpe C of E Primary School.

We want the children at Woodthorpe to develop their knowledge of people and places and to understand the physical, social and economic forces which shape those places and the lifestyles of the people who live there. Our geographical studies cover knowledge of physical and human features locally and in the wider world. They use a wide variety of sources, including maps, the internet and photos to establish the location of countries, cities, mountain ranges, rivers and seas or oceans. Children are also introduced to the economic and environmental factors which affect development and sustainability.

We use an ‘enquiry’ based approach to learning which enables the children to explore geographical questions as independent researchers. The children are encouraged to make links across the curriculum, and use skills learned in English, History, ICT, Mathematics and Science to further their learning. Field trips are also an important means of connecting the children with their locality. We hope that exposure to the cultural and environmental diversity of the world will help the children develop into caring and well informed adults of the future.

Within the Foundation Stage, these two subjects are taught under the title of “Knowledge and Understanding of the World, My School, My Area– People and Communities, Chesterfield”. The children discuss and investigate places and people around the world. The key skills that are taught are then extended as the pupils move up the School.  They use their senses to explore the world around them and look closely at patterns and change.

Within KS1 and KS2, History and Geography are taught within the Creative Curriculum which covers all elements of the 2014 National Curriculum. This means that teachers can use their professional judgement to determine the length of time that is spent on each topic. There are, however, many objectives for each topic that need to be taught to ensure outcomes are met. These objectives for each year group are taught within the time frame allowed for their topic.

FS2 children have been looking at maps, they looked at a road map as well as Google Maps. Some children even had a go at drawing their own maps. 

Geography Action Plan 2023 2024

Curriculum Intent

At Woodthorpe, we strive to deliver high quality Geography teaching to inspire pupil’s curiosity about the world and the diverse variety groups of inhabitants in it. We are aware we live in an extremely small local area; therefore, this is of upmost importance to us when educating our children. Our teaching will:

  • Equip pupils with knowledge about variety of places, people, resources and natural and human environments
  • Learn about, and the difference between human and physical processes
  • Develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine
  • Encourage the children to show their respect for their local, national and international environment.
  • We want our children to gain confidence and enjoy practical experiences through local fieldwork studies and in our wider community in Chesterfield and Sheffield which has a wealth of both geographical and historical features. As their skills further develop our intent is that all our pupils gain knowledge, understanding and can explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
  • A widespread base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary
  • Fluency in complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills
  • Excellent fieldwork skills as well as other geographical aptitudes and techniques
  • The ability to express well-balanced opinions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current issues in society and the environment
  • A genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live here.

Woodthorpe C of E Primary School Geography Intent, implementation and impact

Geography enrichment 2023/2024

KS1 Local walk to Poolsbrook identifying human and physucal features

Year 3, 4 and 5 Visit to Magna as part of their rocks, relics and runbles trip, local walk to identify use of rocks in the locality

Geography enrichment 2024/2025

Year 3 and 4 Local walk to look at the canal network and to carry out fieldwork exercise

Careers in Geography 

Careers in Geography continue to grow and many resources that we use to help in work will be developing geographical skills. Our pupils will enter employment that is dominated by geographical change and exploration of the world.


The teaching and learning of Geography supports careers, such as:

  • Transportation manager
  • Journalist
  • Environmental lawyer
  • Landscape architect 
  • Weather forecaster
  • Catastrophe modeller or emergency planner
  • Teacher  


School Residential

Woodthorpe Primary school are proud to offer residential trips to both year 5 and 6  children.  As a school we are proud to be able to to take our children to Edale. This trip is always an enjoyable trip which teaches children life skills as well as having fun with their friends. 

Whilst at Edale children are able to;

  • Orienteer
  • Abseil
  • Take part in bush craft
  • Enjoy pond dipping
  • Stream Scramble 
  • Archery
  • Rock Climb

Click here to visit the Peak Centre website.

 Geography Opportunities within the local community and further afield.

Matlock Farm park in Matlock Derbyshire: https://matlockfarmpark.co.uk/schools/

Kingswood Outdoor adevnture Centre in South Yorkshire- https://www.kingswood.co.uk/ 

Ingleborough Cave in the Yorkshire Dales: https://ingleboroughcave.co.uk/

Parson House Outdoor Centre in Sheffield: https://parsonhouse.com/





Useful links and websites for Geography

BBC Bitesize - Geography

National Geographic kids



Click here to view the Geography Primary National Curriculum.

Click here to view Geography Vocabulary.

Click here to view the Geography Knowledge and Skills

Click here to view the Geography Core Sticky Knowledge

Click here to view the Geography Overview and Enrichment Plan

Geography Policy 2022-2023