Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be
Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School offers a positive, safe learning environment for its community, in which everyone has equal and individual recognition and respect. We celebrate success and are committed to the continuous improvement and fulfilment of potential in every child. Everyone within the school has an important role to play in sharing responsibility for the development of positive behaviour and attitudes.
The behaviour policy at Woodthorpe is central to our vision and ethos - in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life. It runs through the whole school and its teaching, providing opportunities for children to learn how to behave appropriately in a range of circumstances.
Important Documents
Click here for our Behaviour Policy 2022-23
Click here for our School Improvement Plan Behaviour section - this is what we are working on this year!
As a school, we consistently strive for excellent behaviour through our new Behaviour Curriculum, using the acronym based on our school song, 'PROUD'. These are the behaviours that our School Council decided that they would like to see in our pupils. The children are rewarded house points and tokens based upon these, with the emphasis on positive praise.
P - Positive attitudes towards our learning
R - Respect each other and our school
O - Opportunities to laugh, smile, support and praise
U - Use our voice, knowing that we will be heard
D - Determination to be our best
Other Rewards at Woodthorpe:
100% parents agree or strongly agree that ‘The school makes sure its pupils are well-behaved’, 03.22‘
'The children are consistently well behaved and confidently explain how they resolve disagreements and that it is important to forgive’. SIAMS 04.22
'The children flourish under such meticulous care; their learning behaviours are strong and they have compassion for each other. Older children naturally take care of younger ones.' SIAMS 04.22
We treat all children fairly which might not mean all children are treated equally.
Behaviour is always be considered in relation to a pupil’s SEND. If it is deemed that a pupil’s SEND has contributed to their misbehaviour, the school will consider whether it is appropriate and lawful to sanction the pupil.
Where a pupil is identified as having SEND, the graduated approach is used to assess, plan, deliver and review the impact of support being provided.
The school aims to anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these, taking into account the specific circumstances and requirements of the pupil concerned. Staff know children and families well and make appropriate adaptation for individuals.
Behaviour curriculum
Positive behaviour is taught to all pupils as part of our behaviour curriculum, in order to enable them to understand what behaviour is expected and encouraged and what is unacceptable.
Positive reinforcement is used by staff where expectations are met to acknowledge good behaviour and encourage repetition.
Our behaviour curriculum focusses on defining positive behaviour and making it clear what this looks like, including the key habits and routines required by the school, e.g. lining up quietly outside the classroom before a lesson.
Routines are used to teach and reinforce the expected behaviours of all pupils.
Our behaviour curriculum includes expectations of expectations inside school and on school visits, swimming and church visits. It also includes how children should behave in the community.
Our RSHE/PSHE curriculum fully supports issues surrounding behaviour and friendships and gives the children opportunities to discuss many of the issues that encourage positive behaviour and also an understanding of the underlying reasons for unwanted behaviours.
The unit outcomes for Family and Relationships for KS1 and KS2 include the following:
● To recognise that friendships have ups and downs and that this is normal
● To understand why someone might bully others
● To understand what respect is and how they should be respected
● To understand that respect is two-way and how we treat others is how we can expect to be treated
● To resolve disputes and conflict through negotiation and compromise
● To explore other people’s attitudes and ideas and to begin to challenge these
● To understand that problems occur in friendships and that violence is never right
● To begin to understand the differences between people and why it is important to respect these differences
● To understand that my behaviour can have an impact on others
● To understand the physical and emotional boundaries in friendships
● To recognise how others show feelings and how to respond
The unit outcomes for Citizenship for KS1 and KS2 include the following;
● An understanding of what happens when someone breaks the law
● To understand how someone contributes to society and how this is recognised
● To understand what prejudice and discrimination are and why and how they should be challenged