Woodthorpe Church of England Primary School

Learning & Growing Together To Be The Best We Can Be

Ready, Steady, Grow

In the Ready Steady Grow project the children will take part in practical activities to explore where food comes from. They will learn what seeds and plants need to grow and grow a variety of plants. They will explore what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, including eating fruit and vegetables, exercise and teeth brushing. They will find out about life on a farm and about baby animals. Within this topic we are visiting Cannon Hall Farm. 


Books we have read within this topic: 

Jack and the Beanstalk (Storytime Lap Books) : DK, Di Lernia, Giuseppe:  Amazon.co.uk: Books

Jack and the Beanstalk

Benjamin Tabart

Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivian French is a wonderful book to use with

Oliver's Fruit Salad

Vivian French

The Very Hungry Caterpillar [Board Book]: Eric Carle : Carle, Eric, Carle,  Eric: Amazon.co.uk: Books

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

Eric Carle


During our topic we learnt all about plants and how they grow. We leant about the different parts of a flower and even planted our own tomato plants using egg shells, soil and tomatoes. 


During our topic 'Ready Steady Grow we have investigated different plants and herbs. We enjoyed learning all about the different smells and how we could use both mint and basil when cooking. 

We read Jack and the Beanstalk and used adjectives (describing words) to describe Jack, the giant, mum and the cow. We had a go at hot seating and even sequenced the story ourselves. 

Have a look at our drama and writing.